What is electrolysis?
The permanent removal of hair with electricity came to be called “electrolysis” due to the chemical reaction taking place when direct electrical current is used for the galvanic method. Today, the term electrolysis continues to be applied whether we refer to the galvanic method, blend method, or the short wave method, despite the term no longer applying to the more commonly used short wave method. All three methods involve the use of a probe (aka needle), being inserted into the hair follicle.
With the short wave method, heat is applied in order to destroy the hair root or papilla. Short wave has become very popular due to the speed it can be done in, therefore faster client satisfaction at time of session, but regrowth is more likely, therefore more treatments are needed.
The galvanic method is very slow and not commonly used, despite it being the most thorough and effective technique.
The blend method, on the other hand, involves the simultaneous use of galvanic and low intensity high-frequency currents. It combines the best parts of both galvanic and short wave methods, thoroughness and speed.
At Main Line Electrolysis, we use modern technology used in Apilus Electrolysis machines. “Apilus is the number one brand of electrolysis equipment that guarantees gentle 100% permanent hair removal.” Apilus makes it easy to use either the short wave method or the blend method.
It is impossible to predict how long or how many treatments will be necessary for unwanted hair to be removed from each client. A lot of factors can determine this, such as amount of hair to be removed, previous methods of hair removal, and causes of hair growth. For this reason, Main Line Electrolysis offers a free consultation to you.